About Us

Gyllendal Ltd test is a privately owned and UK registered property investment company. The company acquires and develops properties for investment purpose on the UK market. The company was founded by us, Christina Chen and Kenneth Sundstrom. We are Swedish entrepreneurs and investors with extensive experience from real estate, concept development, international marketing and sales. We have implemented a number of construction projects and refurbishments from private multi-let homes to commercial properties. We own residential rental properties in the UK, Sweden and Spain including an office hotel in Stockholm.

Office Hotel_Stockholm Gyllendal500 sqm office hotel in Stockholm city center, Sweden. 

Service Accomodation Moraira_gyllendalService accommodation in Costa Blanca, Spain. 

Rental Stockholm_GyllendalTwo rental Properties in Stockholm, Sweden.

Working with smaller developers

Britain is too reliant on its largest house developers. During our property journey we have got to know a few property investors that shares our passion for good quality living. They are small and medium-sized developers and our objective is to help them finding vital funds to enable them to move on to their next project more quickly.

Our team

Our team has over 50 years collective experience in property investment combined with very close relationships with a large network of investors, banks, solicitors, sourcing agents, FX traders, independent lenders, etc.

Our passion for property lays in finding property with lots of potential and turning it back to its former glory, or even better. We just love the whole process of creating homey homes for people!

Our mission – connecting investors with property developers 

  • We offer a highly lucrative and safe alternative for people to make use of their savings, earn an additional stream of passive income or provide for their pensions.
  • We offer investments only in the best areas for residential homes, where there is high demand and a fast market.
  • We contribute to solving the housing shortage by creating high quality homes.
  • Our goal is to provide and offer better living for students and young professionals in the UK, for people who recently got started climbing the property ladder. 

Kenneth Sundstrom Christina Chen_gyllendal LTD

Get in touch!

If you are interested in how you could benefit from passive incomes through property investments, please get in touch and lets start the conversation!

Kenneth Sundstrom & Christina Chen


Our Objectives

We purchase properties only in the best areas for residential homes, where there is high demand and a fast market.

Old English town houses with small shops or business on ground floor. Bond street, London@2x

We are entrepreneurs and investors with extensive experience from management, marketing and sales. We have implemented a number of construction projects and refurbishments from private multi-let homes to commercial properties in UK, Sweden and Spain.