About Us
Gyllendal Ltd test is a privately owned and UK registered property investment company. The company acquires and develops properties for investment purpose on the UK market. The company was founded by us, Christina Chen and Kenneth Sundstrom. We are Swedish entrepreneurs and investors with extensive experience from real estate, concept development, international marketing and sales. We have implemented a number of construction projects and refurbishments from private multi-let homes to commercial properties. We own residential rental properties in the UK, Sweden and Spain including an office hotel in Stockholm.
500 sqm office hotel in Stockholm city center, Sweden.
Service accommodation in Costa Blanca, Spain.
Two rental Properties in Stockholm, Sweden.
Working with smaller developers
Britain is too reliant on its largest house developers. During our property journey we have got to know a few property investors that shares our passion for good quality living. They are small and medium-sized developers and our objective is to help them finding vital funds to enable them to move on to their next project more quickly.

Our team
Our team has over 50 years collective experience in property investment combined with very close relationships with a large network of investors, banks, solicitors, sourcing agents, FX traders, independent lenders, etc.